LGBT History Month – Celebrating the Community

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February 25, 2021, 11:00 am -

About LGBT History Month
February is LGBT History Month, an annual event which recognises the history of gay rights and related civil rights movements. The theme this year is ‘Body, Mind, Spirit’.

While the event originated in the US in 1994, it began in the UK 11 years later following on from an initiative created by teachers.

In 2005, educators and activists Sue Sanders and Paul Patrick organised LGBT History Month as part of a School’s Out project, a programme which aims to educate young people about the issues that members of the LGBT community face and make schools feel inclusive for everyone, regardless of their gender identity or sexual orientation.

LBGT History Month was held in February to coincide with the 2003 abolition of Section 28 of the 1988 Local Government Act.

About the event
Join The Prince’s Trust to celebrate the LGBT community and learn how we can create an inclusive workplace to support young people.

Learn from the experts:

• How to stimulate difficult conversations to create an open culture
• The importance of language and understanding pronouns
• How to help young people from the community feel empowered/elevated to senior positions

You’ll also have the opportunity to ask the panelists questions at the end of the discussion.

Diversity & Inclusion Expert Panel Speakers:

• Nicky Friensener: Policy Recruiter at Facebook
• Paul Martin OBE: Chief Executive LGBT Foundation
• Joseph Harwood: Young Ambassador at The Prince’s Trust
book your place

* This event will be facilitated by The Prince’s Trust.

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For more information about our diversity and inclusion efforts, keep a look out on our website and social media channels, and for more information about the services we offer please visit the support services page.

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