Connecting with nature this Mental Health Awareness Week

It is safe to say that the last year has been a struggle for everyone mental health wise. Being amidst a global pandemic has left many of us feeling anxious, isolated, and depressed.

In today’s blog, our colleagues share their own experiences of mental health and give tips of what has helped them.

We also share details of a photography competition that you can get involved with which will help you #ConnectWithNature – this year’s theme for Mental Health Awareness Week.

“It’s okay not to be okay.”

In our video, Onward colleagues share their honest experiences from the past year and give their tips on how they have helped their mental health.

*Spoiler alert: getting outdoors and talking to others is a common theme that helps #TeamOnward.

Watch the video here:

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Ten tips for dealing with your mental health

Our amazing Team Leader, Jill, over at the 1st Call Centre in Accrington has provided her tips for dealing with her mental health.

Some of Jill’s tips include; valuing yourself, taking care of your body and surrounding yourself with good people.

Watch the video here:

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Boost your mood by taking part in our photography competition

As this year’s theme is #ConnectWithNature, we would like you to show off your creative side, get outdoors and get involved in our photography competition.

This year we will be giving prizes for the following categories:

A room with a view – show off the fabulous views and sights you can see from the comfort of your own home!
Lift your mood – send us a photo of something that makes you smile or makes you feel good.
Where I live – get out and about in your neighbourhood and show us your favourite snaps of where you live.
Mini snapper award – we like to encourage all our tenants under 16 years old to get involved in this category in taking snaps of your neighbourhood!

Closing date is Friday 21 May. Send your pictures to with the subject line ‘photography competition.’

Ask for help

If it’s all starting to feel overwhelming and you’re lost at where to begin, getting help is the best thing to do.

There’s absolutely no shame in it and a solid first step is just to mention it to your GP. Charities like Mind and CALM are also handy for support and advice, as are friends and family.

If you’re an Onward customer struggling with hoarding then our Outside the Box service can offer support using cognitive behaviour therapy (CBT).

We also offer services around finances and getting back to work, so if you’re worried get in touch and we’ll do our best to help.

Get in touch