What happens when I make a complaint?

If we think your enquiry meets the definition of a complaint as defined by the Housing Ombudsman’s Complaint Handling Code, or if you ask us to log your enquiry as a complaint, we will record this on our system. 

There are two stages to our complaint handling process: 

Stage one 

When you contact us, our Customer Resolutions Team will be in touch in five working days. They will:  

  • Introduce themselves 
  • Explain the stage one complaints process 
  • Ask questions to help us understand your complaint and try to agree a solution  
  • Agree how we will update you on progress 
  • Reply within ten working days to explain the outcome and next steps 
  • If we need more time, we will let you know and agree when we will respond  
  • If we need to take further action to resolve the complaint, for example carrying out a repair, we will keep in regular contact until all the work is complete and you’re happy with the outcome.  

We will write to you to explain our understanding of your complaint, what we have found and what we will do to make this right. We will only close the complaint when all actions are done. 

Stage two 

If you’re still unhappy after stage one, you can ask for a review by a Director. This is stage two of our complaints process.  

We will investigate to understand why you remain unhappy and to identify what you would like to happen next to resolve your complaint. When you ask for a review, a Director or representative will: 

  • Introduce themselves 
  • Explain the stage two complaints process 
  • Ask questions to help them understand the complaint 
  • Agree with you how we will update you on progress 
  • If we need more time, we will let you know and agree when we will respond  

We will write to you to explain our understanding of your complaint, our findings and what we will do to make this right. We will only close the complaint when all actions are done. 

This is the final stage in our complaint handling process. 

For further information, please visit our Complaints Resolutions Policy by clicking on the button below. An easy-read version is also available. 

Complaints Resolution Policy


You can also view our self-assessment of the Housing Ombudsman’s Complaint Handling Code by clicking the button below. 
