Onward Customer Engagement Annual Report 2020/21

Our Customer Engagement Annual Report provides an update on how customers have influenced our services during 2020-2021. Over the past year we saw membership of our Customer Engagement Community increase to over 2600, with customers choosing to get involved in a range of activities. It has been a challenging year to say the least, but working together we have we achieved some fantastic things. We hope that this report gives a flavour of how we are collaborating with customers to ensure that they influence the way we do things here at Onward.
If you have feedback about your experience of our services, or suggestions for improvement, we’d love to hear from you. Join the Customer Engagement Community or get in touch at customerengagement@onward.co.uk.
Join the Customer Engagement Community
Sign up and help make your home and neighbourhood a better place to live. Work with Onward colleagues to provide regular feedback on services, help make improvements, and influence real change.