Customer Engagement Week: Digital engagement

Now, more than ever before, it is essential that customer engagement remains a priority and we will continue to embrace new ways of working so we can keep customers involved in decision making, no matter what.
How do we engage?
In a series of blogs throughout this week, we look at the various ways we engage with customers and how they influence change at Onward.
We aim to provide a diverse range of opportunities for customers so we can cater to everyone.
Digital engagement
In the third of our blog series, we look at how we have adjusted to using online tools to involve customers during lockdown.
Over the past few months, some of our key activities like face-to-face consultations have started to take place online, and we have been sending regular invitations for engagement via email, social media and SMS.
However, we recognised early on that many of our customers were not digitally active, and we understood that for many residents, technology could be intimidating and frustrating. We were, and continue to be, committed to making sure these customers are not left behind!
Our Customer Engagement Team made it their mission to reach out and train those customers who wanted to develop their tech skills and get online. As a result, we have been able to reach many more customers digitally and even host our first ever online events via Microsoft Teams.
Online events
We are pleased to announce we will be hosting another round of online engagement events in September 2020.
During the events, Onward colleagues will deliver an interactive presentation and inform customers about the latest news from Onward, the work we’ve been doing during lockdown, and how residents can get involved in shaping our services.
The team will then open the conversation and invite customers to meet each other and chat. Customers will be encouraged to provide feedback about their experience with Onward so we can listen, learn and make improvements to our services.
Here’s what Peter from Handforth said about our last online event: “I thought Wednesday’s online event went very well with Onward staff leading it … I am happy to have met and spoken to you all online and to have been able to put faces to names of the other staff members. It certainly helped to break down barriers.”
For more information on the ways we engage with customers, contact or call us on 0300 555 0600.
Stay tuned throughout Customer Engagement Week to discover more about our engagement opportunities and how we use feedback to make change.