Enabling people to be their best
We have supported the weekly Homework Club hosted by The Foxton Centre which is helping young people progress with English, maths and other subjects.
Our 1st Call Team are delivering the Move Forward project in Preston, which is helping local people aged 25 and over discover a life they’ll love by helping them to enhance skills, boost confidence, find the right training and volunteering opportunities, whilst also supporting with employment and childcare advice.
We supported our partners at the Foxton Centre during their World Homeless Day event and over in Clitheroe, our Neighbourhood and Social Investment Teams attend a fortnightly event at the Olive Branch Café to give advice on housing and financial support.
Through the Onward Community Fund, we have gone beyond housing by granting over £9.9k to eight local projects across Lancashire since March this year. For further details about how you could get a grant for up to £2,500 and to apply, please email
Providing homes our customers love
Since April this year, we have made improvements to our existing homes across Lancashire, including 170 new kitchens, 131 new bathrooms, 60 new roofs, 268 new doors, 35 new boilers and the installation of new windows in 147 homes.
We recently upgraded to the full fire alarm system at our Lonsdale Chase scheme in Preston. Our Older Persons and Property Services teams were joined by contractors Openview at an Afternoon Tea event to thank residents for their cooperation and donated £1,000 to the scheme’s social fund.
Creating places people are proud of
In Longridge, colleagues from across Onward came together to host an event for customers who helped to clean up their neighbourhood and shared their views with us around local issues.
We also hosted several skip days across neighbourhoods in Preston and alongside customers, helped to clear fly tipping and clean up the area.
Through a continued partnership with the council’s Community Safety Team, we have improved how we respond to local cases of antisocial behaviour.