Greater Manchester & Cheshire
Free skills-based courses in Oldham

Residents in Oldham and Rochdale have recently completed a free interpreters course thanks to help from Onward Homes.
The 10-week workshop was run from the Millennium centre in Oldham. And those attending got a beginners guide to interpreting, exploring the codes of practice in both a work and voluntary capacity, in a range of different settings.
The Level 2 Award, accredited by CERTA was funded by Onward and delivered by Worker’s Education Association.
Topics covered included; Housing, Education, Social Care, Welfare, Benefits, Immigration and Healthcare.
Eighteen local residents took part in the workshop, who collectively spoke five languages (Bangla, Urdu, Dutch, Punjabi, and Sylheti) who can now go on to become freelance interpreters or register with an interpreting company following the training.
Rubana Altaf a resident of Onward Home said, “It’s been a beautiful learning experience and has built my confidence in areas of certain sectors that we may need to interpret. I have gained lots of knowledge and have the confidence to interpret. This qualification will enhance my CV and increase my employment chances.”
Community Investment Specialist Shoab Akhtar, said: ‘The course aims to help people gain knowledge and skills of community interpreting including the course works particularly well as it can support people who are not able to commit to a longer qualification, but still obtain the skills.’
If you’re an Onward customer and interested in hearing more on local skills-based courses, please get touch. Contact Shoab Akhtar on 0161 875 7982 for further information.