Become a member 

We want to make sure that your voice is at the heart of everything we do and our Customer Engagement Community helps us do just that. We already have over 3,700 customers from across the North West who help make our homes and neighbourhoods better places to live.

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From answering surveys, to joining one of our groups, forums, or the Onward Scrutiny Board, we offer different levels of involvement to suit different lifestyles and interests, so you can participate as much as you like. 

Onward Scrutiny Board

The Onward Scrutiny Board provides valuable feedback and recommendations on how we can improve the services you receive. They do this by gathering information from customers and teams across Onward, checking our service performance in detail and reporting their suggestions to the Customer Committee (a sub-group of Onward’s Board who oversee all services that customers receive).

Customer Resolution Forum

The Customer Resolution Forum independently reviews our complaint handling process to ensure effective and efficient resolutions are given to customers. They also identify areas where we can improve our services and customer experience.    

Customer Equity Forum

The Customer Equity Forum helps to ensure that customer facing policies address the needs of our communities, as well as making sure that our communications are written clearly and are accessible to all customers. The Forum also oversees an action plan that supports our Houseproud Pledge and helps us to promote and celebrate diversity.  

Home Ownership Forum

The Home Ownership Forum reviews and provides feedback on our performance, communications, documents, policies and procedures to ensure they address the needs of our Leaseholders and Shared Owners.  

Regional Repairs and Maintenance Groups

Our Regional Groups meet to discuss aspects of our repairs, servicing and planned maintenance programmes. They review our plans and make recommendations on how we can improve the service and how we communicate with customers about it. 


Want to get involved?

If you are passionate about your home and neighbourhood, by joining our Customer Engagement Community you’ll have the opportunity to: 

  • Shape and improve services 
  • Take part in activities to help improve your neighbourhood and local area 
  • Share concerns, views and ideas 
  • Help to shape policies and strategies 
  • Gain useful experiences, develop new skills and increase your confidence  

Our members are also invited to take part in training opportunities, as well as being entered into a monthly prize draw (terms and conditions apply). 

If you’d like to become a member, please: 

  • fill in our online form below 
  • call 0300 555 0600 or message 07793 795 882 on WhatsApp between 8am-6pm Monday to Friday and 10am-6pm on Wednesdays  


  • Name

  • Address

  • Contact Info

    We will contact you via email and text about the latest opportunities to get involved.