Onward Scrutiny Board

The Onward Scrutiny Board has up to 18 customer volunteers from across the North West, who provide valuable feedback and recommendations on how we can improve the services you receive. The Board does this by reviewing service performance, policies and working closely with our Customer Committee.

The Board has produced a new Annual Review which reflects on the successes of the last financial year and talks about priorities for the year ahead. 

Read the Onward Scrutiny Board Annual Review 2024


Click on the tabs below for more information on the Onward Scrutiny Board.

The Board’s history

As an organisation Onward is relatively new, but our legacy stretches back over 50 years. Established in April 2018, Onward (formerly known as Symphony Housing Group) brought together several housing associations, namely Liverpool Housing Trust, Hyndburn Homes, Peak Valley Housing Association and Ribble Valley Homes.  

At the time of the Onward’s establishment in 2018, Scrutiny was previously delivered by three regional groups that operated in Greater Manchester and Cheshire, Lancashire, and Merseyside. The Onward Scrutiny Board of today was formed in 2021 and consists of up to 18 dedicated customer volunteers from across the North West. 

The Board’s role

The Regulator of Social Housing expects Onward to be open with its customers, treating them with fairness and respect so that they can access services, raise complaints, and influence decision making.  

The Onward Scrutiny Board provides assurance to fellow customers that Onward is meeting the Regulator’s performance standards as set out in housing legislation. If Onward do not meet these standards, the Board has a responsibility to hold us to account.

The Board’s process

The Onward Scrutiny Board review our performance against published targets and benchmarks four times a year. The information they look at includes areas such as rent collection, complaints, repair timescales and the time we take to relet empty homes. If there are any areas where we are underperforming, they then present to relevant Heads of Service across Onward with challenge questions and make recommendations on what we can do to improve.

They can also undertake independent reviews of the services we deliver by looking at customer feedback from surveys and complaints, talking directly with customers, Onward’s employees and contractors, as well as our policies and the Regulator’s service standards.

Members of the Onward Scrutiny Board have busy roles and meet every fortnight to catch up on the progress of their reviews and to speak to Onward’s employees about service plans and any issues raised.

They do all of this with the support of our Customer Involvement Team.

The Board’s members

Our Board has dedicated customer volunteers from across the North West.  


Michael has been a tenant in Liverpool for 30 years, during which time he has been a member and actively involved in two housing co-operatives. Michael retired recently from a role as a Mental Health Support Worker. He has also had roles in lecturing, training, and advisory work. He is interested in making the most effective use of limited resources and ensuring the delivery of quality services to recognised standards. His other interests include, cooking, gardening, reading, political activism and social justice. 

Joe has worked for a range of housing providers in Liverpool and London. He specialised in working with ownership co-operatives including the famous Weller Streets Co-operative in Liverpool and has also worked with tenant management co-operatives and as a housing officer in general needs housing. Joe lives in a flat in a converted Georgian terrace in the Canning area of Liverpool and is interested in cooking, politics, football, and science fiction. He also loves cats! 

Kathy has lived in the Liverpool area in one of our accessible properties since 2002 and has seen her property change several associations. Kathy joined the Board several years ago and has enjoyed its entirety. The challenges the Board discuss make the services Onward deliver better for all customers. Kathy works as a Student Services Administrator at a local college, whilst also doing voluntary work for the college’s Student’s Union, Unison (where she is the Branch Health and Safety Officer), and with Support Dogs. She also has experience of access audits and disability issues, of which she brings her knowledge to the Board. 

Greater Manchester and Cheshire East 

Edith lives in Salford and thoroughly enjoys her role on the Board and the many opportunities it offers. Working in administration, mainly in property development Edith re-trained in her 40’s, culminating in running her own clinic in complementary and alternative medicine for over 30 years. This work led to her involvement in the Regulatory Body for therapies, setting National Occupational Standards, funded by the Department of Health. Edith also volunteers within the NHS as a PPV (Public and Patient Voice). 

Michael lives in Handforth, Cheshire, and has been involved in many areas over the years. His job roles have included an Immigration Advisor as well as being a local parish Councillor. His previous social housing experience includes being involved in the Free Range Housing Co-operative, and later representing his estate as Vice Chair of the Stock Transfer Steering Group. He has been an involved customer for many years and a member of the Board since August 2018. 

Maxine has lived in Timperley, Cheshire for the last 20 years. Maxine became a member of the Board in 2022 as she enjoys being part of a team of residents who have a voice for all of Onward’s customers. Working for a Fire & Security company for over 15 years, Maxine brings knowledge of fire safety and subcontractor outsourcing to meetings, this helps to understand things from a business and customer perspective. 

Johnny has been a social housing tenant for nearly 13 years, eight of which have been with Onward. Johnny is passionate about equality, diversity, and inclusion, particularly ensuring that disabled customers have a voice. Johnny believes customers should be at the heart of what every housing association does. Johnny also worked as a manager in the social housing sector (since 2010) and has led customer facing teams at three Manchester based landlords including customer services, complaints, repairs contact centres, and repairs planning. 


Ira has lived in Clitheroe for 60 years. Prior to becoming an Onward customer, Ira was a Ribble Valley Homes Board member for many years, and the Treasurer for the local community centre. When she left her Board position, Ira decided to put her skills to use and join the Onward Scrutiny Board. For 20 years, Ira worked as a checkout supervisor for Booths travelling to work on her pink Italian scooter. On a Saturday Ira loves a flutter on the horses! 

Gareth lives in the Ribble Valley and has been a member of the Board for just over a year. His background is in the arts, education and local Government. Gareth enjoys campaigning and lobbying on behalf of those who seek a voice and representation where they otherwise may not be heard. His outside interests are writing about the history of politics through time, museums, old houses, town halls, churches, and art galleries. 

Suzanne lives in Lancashire and has experience in criminal justice and education sectors, which she feels brings transferable skills to the Board. 


Interested in joining the Onward Scrutiny Board?

We currently have vacancies for more Board members, so if you are interested in joining, please get in touch by emailing customerengagement@onward.co.uk or calling 0300 555 0600.