Good job: Top advice for Careers Week

As National Careers Week draws to a close we’ve rounded up a few top resources to help you on your employment journey.
Whether you’re getting into employment for the first time, considering a career change or just want to learn something new, it can all seem a bit daunting.
What’s undeniable is that if we spend a third of our lives at work, we want it to be something we enjoy. Ideally, it will also support us financially.
All it takes though is a bit of guidance and some decent resources. The National Careers Week website is full of helpful information and services.
We’ve also got a few other key nuggets of information for you below.
Employment advice
Becoming self-employed – whether that’s starting a new business or just leaving the office behind – can seem scary, but it doesn’t have to be.
Although you never need an excuse to make a fresh start, a new year’s the perfect time to start training for your dream job.
If you’ve recently been made redundant it can be a huge blow, but with the right support it can also be an opportunity.
There are lots of good reasons to volunteer, but if you’re looking for work it can pay off in spades.
Applying for jobs if you’ve spent the last few years playing crowd control with the kids can seem daunting. Luckily, there’s actually lots you can do to stand out.
Sickness, pregnancy, caring duties, a sabbatical, stress – there are lots of reasons to have long breaks from work. Getting back into the swing of things can be tough though. So, especially if you’re looking for a new job, so we’ve got some advice to help ease you back in.
If you’re an Onward customer looking to get into work, get some training or need careers advice our Works4Me programme is a great first port of call. It can support you with:
-Training courses
-CV writing & job applications
-Job searches & interview practice
-Work experience & volunteering opportunities
-Career development
In some cases we can also provide support with childcare and travel expenses (terms and conditions apply).
Support in Accrington
We also have a drop-in centre in the Accrington Arndale called 1st Call, which is a great place to get some support with key skills.
Support in Greater Manchester
Anyone in the Greater Manchester area can get support with EnterprisingYou, an exciting new pilot scheme that supports the self-employed and gig economy across the area.
The programme will provide 2500 GM residents’ earning less than £27,000 access to a range of services including:
- Estimated 26 weeks bespoke support
- 1:1 support from a dedicated Business Coach
- Access to online careers and wellbeing platforms
- Up to 6 months paid for access to flexible co-working space
- Comprehensive access to personal and professional training and development, unique to the individual, their circumstances, business needs and aspirations
It’s a government-funded programme, and also a product of the partnership between the Growth Company and PeoplePlus Enterprise.
There’s a launch event at the Science & Industry Museum on 10 March if you want to find out more and meet a range of businesses, education institutes, local authorities and key influencers. For more information contact Michael Ayre on 077147 51438 or
Work and skills coaching in Hattersley
We’ve teamed up with Tameside Council to provide a work and skills coaching service to local people living in Hattersley, Tameside.
More than 60 people have been supported into work over the past two years, with many more accessing our free training and skills development opportunities.
To speak to our dedicated Work and Skills Coach, please contact Matthew or call 0161 366 3968.
No matter where you’re based, if you’re an Onward customer who could do with a hand, we might be able to give you some support. Get in touch with our Social Investment team to find out more!
Find out more about the employment support we offer on our website