New national restrictions: Onward remains open for business

Onward has carefully reviewed the new national restrictions announced by Government last week to help combat COVID. Full Government guidance can be found here.
Following careful assessment of the new guidance, Onward does not need to change how we currently deliver most of our services for most of our customers. The new restrictions are in many ways similar to what was already in place in the North West. We have established safe systems of working in place that will enable us to continue to provide customer services effectively and safely.
So please get in touch with us if your home needs repair, you need advice about paying rent or if you think we can help in any way.
Onward is open for business.
Supporting vulnerable customers
Supporting vulnerable customers has been our priority throughout COVID. This remains the case.
National restrictions define some people as being clinically extremely vulnerable. People in these groups are advised to stay at home as much as possible and to keep all contact with others to a minimum. Full guidance can be found here.
Onward is continuing to provide essential services for vulnerable customers, helping to combat isolation and support their health and wellbeing. When this brings us into contact with customers, we will follow our tried and tested safe systems of working and use all appropriate PPE.
We are also taking extra action to identify customers who are clinically extremely vulnerable, so we can help them to access essential services in a safe way.
If you are feeling vulnerable please contact us. Whether it is money worries, you need help getting food or you are just feeling lonely – call us and we will do everything we can to help.