Now live! A quick and easy way to track the environmental services you receive

At the beginning of this year, we brought our environmental services inhouse, with these moving from contractors over to Onward. Bringing these services inhouse means that we can respond more quickly to your feedback and be more flexible in how we deliver our services.
To reflect the changes we’ve made, we’re now calling our Environmental Services Team, Onward Environmental. Onward Environmental will provide your services including grounds and tree maintenance, cleaning and window cleaning, and waste management.
As part of this improved service, we’ve now launched a quick and easy way to track the work carried out by Onward Environmental.
Through our new Environmental Tracker, you can now search by your postcode to get the latest updates from Onward Environmental, including things like when we’ve visited, when we’ll next be in the area and photos after services are carried out.
If you need some help to get started, watch our step-by-step video guide below or take a look at our written guide.