Onward goes digital with the launch of automated messaging

Changing the way we work
As a result of lockdown, we have all become much more digitally engaged and at Onward, we have adopted more online tools to reach out to customers.
This change in working has accelerated our digital transformation and customers may have noticed this in the recent launch of several new digital channels including online chat, WhatsApp and Messenger.
Expanding our digital platforms in this way enables us to respond to the changing expectations of our customers and improve the customer experience. And it doesn’t stop there.
Digital transformation
The next phase in our digital transformation is to introduce artificial intelligence (AI) and automated messaging. This means that customers will start to receive texts and automated voice calls to engage with them on their rent account and offer financial support to those who need it most.
In this way, we are able to reach more customers faster and help turnaround challenging financial circumstances quicker.
As the new system rolls out, we’d like to reassure customers that our automated messages are legitimate and customers should not be concerned about spam, fraud or phishing.
Where links are provided in the messages, these will direct customers to the Onward website for more information. Customers can also transfer directly through to our Financial Inclusion team by replying 1 or 2, in the case of some text messages, or pressing 1, in the case of some phone calls.
If you have any questions or concerns about the legitimacy of an automated message, please get in touch on 0300 555 0600.
Alternatively, if you would like to regain control of your finances and seek support, contact our Financial Inclusion team on financialinclusionteam@onward.co.uk or 0300 555 0600.