Repairs update: 5 August

We updated you on 20 July that we are now taking new routine (non-emergency) repairs requests. Thank you for your patience over the last few months as we’ve moved through our three-step approach to opening up your repairs service in a safe and sustainable way.
Our frontline teams are working hard to meet our service standard of fulfilling repairs requests within 20 working days.
As our local suppliers begin the journey back to normality, we may continue to experience some limitations on the availability of materials and resources. As a result, we are carefully monitoring the return to our expected level of service. It may be that some delays occur, especially if a job is larger, more complex or requires supplies that are harder to secure. We are working hard to avoid delays and complete repairs as quickly as possible, and will seek to keep you informed if these occur.
The My Onward portal is the quickest and easiest way to report a new repair. You can also report a repair by telephone through the Contact Centre on 0300 555 0600.
If you have any questions or comments please do get in touch with us.