Keeping you safe from abuse
Safeguarding is making sure that people are safe and can live their lives in the way they want to, free from abuse, harm or neglect.
If someone does or says things that are wrong, makes you upset, frightened, or you don’t agree to what is happening, this is abuse. Abuse can happen anywhere and by anyone. It may happen on purpose, or by someone who may not realise what they are doing is wrong.
There are eight different types of abuse:
Physical abuse is when someone hurts you.
This can be hitting, kicking, pulling hair, pinching, shaking, or giving someone too much medication so they find things difficult to do.
Domestic abuse is an incident or pattern of incidents of controlling, coercive, threatening, degrading and violent behaviour.
This can include physical, sexual, financial or material, emotional or psychological abuse, as well as harassment, stalking or online abuse.
Sexual abuse is when someone makes you do sexual things that you can’t or don’t agree to, which may make you feel sad, angry or frightened.
Sexual abuse is being made to have sex, being touched where you do not want to be touched or being made to touch other people in these places.
Financial or material
Financial or material abuse is when someone takes your money or belongings without asking.
This can be stealing your money, forcing you to pay for other people’s things, or when you don’t have a say in how your money is spent.
Emotional or psychological
Emotional or psychological abuse is when someone says bad things to hurt your feelings, shouts at you, or threatens you.
This can be calling you names, laughing at you, blaming you for things when it’s not your fault, or treating you like a child.
Neglect or self-neglect
Neglect is when someone does not meet the needs of someone they support or care for. It can also be when someone neglects themselves.
This can be being cold, hungry, only having dirty clothes, or being put in danger.
Modern slavery
Modern slavery is when someone is exploited by others, for personal or commercial gain.
This can be human trafficking, forced labour, or debt bondage.
Radicalisation or extremism
Radicalisation or extremisim is when a person is forced to support terrorism and extremist ideologies.
This can be being forced to alter their style of dress or appearance to fit with an extremist group or being unable to engage with people who are seen as different.
We are here to help
If you are experiencing abuse, we will listen, take what you say seriously, and get you the help and support you need to stay safe.
Our colleagues and contractors are our eyes and ears when they’re out and about in your neighbourhood, but they’re not around all the time. If you’re ever worried or concerned about the wellbeing of one of your neighbours, don’t think what if I’m wrong, think what if I’m right.
You can report a safeguarding concern to your local authority. Victim Support are also available to help, and you can get in touch with them by calling 0845 303 0900.
If you need help in an emergency, please call 999.
You can also contact us for support by visiting the My Onward Portal, calling 0300 555 0600 (available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week), messaging 07793 795 882 on WhatsApp between 8am-6pm Monday to Friday and 10am-6pm on Wednesdays or emailing We will take all the details and make a referral to the relevant local authority.