Service charges

Your service charges explained…

Many customers currently pay a charge in addition to rent which covers communal services like cleaning and grounds maintenance. We understand that the quality and cost of these services is important to customers. Some of our customers will see changes in their service charges from the beginning of April. Whilst inflation has eased, housing associations and businesses continue to operate in a challenging economic environment.

The economy is still challenging. Although costs for utilities have gone down this year, gas and electricity prices are higher than in previous years. Whilst we always work to ensure the best value for money for our customers, wider pressures mean that the cost of delivering some services, for example grounds maintenance or providing fire safety equipment, have increased. In some cases, costs have increased for delivering essential building safety services and we have contacted customers separately to provide more detail around this.

Some customers may see an increase in charges for grounds maintenance, cleaning and waste management services. In 2023, we brought most of these inhouse with these moving over from external contractors to our Onward Environmental team.

The cost of delivering these types of services have increased due to economic pressures beyond our control. For example, vehicle costs, equipment costs and tipping costs are all much higher than they were in previous years. But these costs would have been significantly higher if we had carried on using our external contractors rather than bringing services inhouse.

We also provide services to external communal areas, for example maintaining car parks and external lighting. We now have more accurate data that captures the full costs of delivering these services and as a result in some cases you may see changes in your service charges in this area.

We understand that the cost of living continues to be a challenge and if you are concerned about increases, or would like to discuss these, please get in touch with our Money Advice Team by emailing or calling 0300 555 0600.

Please take a look at the following Frequently Asked Questions, which we hope will answer any questions you may have. If you have any other questions please get in touch.



Frequently asked questions

What is a service charge?

Your service charge covers the cost of services provided to your scheme, neighbourhood and personal charges in relation to your home.

How is my charge calculated?

The charge is calculated annually based on the cost of services you receive for the previous year and estimated costs for the coming year.

What items are chargeable?

Every type of service we can charge via service charges are listed in the table at the end of this document, with an explanation of what they cover. Not all of the services listed are necessarily provided where you live, so where you do not receive a service, it will not be included in your charge. You will only pay for the services you are provided with.

Why have my service charges increased?

The economy is still challenging. Although costs for utilities have gone down this year, gas and electricity prices are higher than in previous years.

Whilst we always work to ensure the best value for money for our customers, wider pressures mean that the cost of delivering some services, for example grounds maintenance or providing fire safety equipment, have increased. In some cases, costs have increased for delivering essential building safety services and we have contacted customers separately to provide more detail around this.

Some customers may see an increase in charges for grounds maintenance, cleaning and waste management services. In 2023, we brought most of these inhouse with these moving over from external contractors to our Onward Environmental team.

The cost of delivering these types of services have increased due to economic pressures beyond our control. For example, vehicle costs, equipment costs and tipping costs are all much higher than they were in previous years. But these costs would have been significantly higher if we had carried on using our external contractors rather than bringing services inhouse.

We also provide services to external communal areas, for example maintaining car parks and external lighting. We now have more accurate data that captures the full costs of delivering these services and as a result in some cases you may see changes in your service charges in this area.

We understand that the cost of living continues to be a challenge and if you are concerned about increases, or would like to discuss these, please get in touch.

Why does my neighbour pay a different amount to me?

You only pay for the services that are provided directly to your house or in the building and/or area that you live.

There may be rare circumstances where a neighbour pays a different amount. An example of this might be where you pay for the maintenance of a communal garden, but your neighbour has their own garden. Or in some cases, you might have different terms in your tenancy agreement around non-charge weeks. If you have any queries please get in touch.

Will Housing Benefit or Universal Credit cover the increase in service charges?

If you receive Housing Benefit or Universal Credit, the majority of your service charges will be covered apart from individual charges. More information about individual charges is included in the table below. If you’re unsure please contact

What if I can’t afford the increase?

If you are worried about your service charges, please contact our Money Advice Team. We can offer support to help with your finances or support in helping you find employment, so please get in touch.

Where can customers find a schedule of the services they receive?

Our Onward Environmental team provides grounds maintenance, cleaning, window cleaning, and waste management service for most customers. Most internal communal areas are cleaned fortnightly, with some properties and older persons schemes being cleaned more frequently. Window cleaning takes places usually every two months or as stated in the property agreement.

Grounds maintenance visits take place every two weeks. Litter picks are carried out on all visits. Grass is cut during the growing season, except in cases of extreme wet weather, and hedge and shrub reduction works are carried out from November to February. Some grassed areas, for example meadows, may be cut less frequently. You can find out more by visiting or giving us a call.

For those customers that receive a service from Onward Environmental, we will send a newsletter which sets out the services that we provide and when you can expect to receive these. If you have any questions about your grounds maintenance service please get in touch.

Service charges explained

For a breakdown of service charges and what these may cover please click here.


If you are a Leaseholder or Shared Owner, please click on the button below for information and advice on your rent and service charges for 2025/26.