STAR Survey: Here’s what you said…

We wanted to make sure all our tenants had the opportunity to let us know how we are doing.
Between April and June of 2019 we carried out our STAR (Survey of Tenants and Residents). The STAR survey provides you with the opportunity to have your say about your home, the services you receive and the areas you feel we should improve on. Thank you to all of you who took part and gave us your feedback.
The survey allows us to understand:
• What we are doing well
• Where we must improve
• Your priorities
• Value for money
We’re pleased with the number of customers who have shared their views with us:
• We sent out 27,390 surveys
• We received over 7,500 responses (26% response rate)
While there are some areas where we are doing well, we also recognise that there are areas we must clearly improve and we will be focussing on these in more detail over the next year.
Over the next year we will:
• Improve the performance of our repairs service and make sure that appointments
are kept and that your repairs are completed first time and to a high standard
• Continue to improve the response time of our Contact Centre
• Keep your neighbourhoods safe, clean and tidy
• Develop a Customer Charter that sets out our service standards
and commitment to you so you are clear on the standard of service you can expect from us.
If you have any feedback about your experience of our services, or suggestions for improvement, we’d love to hear from you. Email us at: or call us on 0300 555 0600.
You can read our STAR survey results in full by clicking on the following link.